Product Description
Gestion de plusieurs transporteurs
- Le module peut être associé à plusieurs transporteurs de Prestashop
- Il est possible de proposer une liste différente de lieux en fonction du transporteur
Assignation client
- Le client est associé à la boutique qu’il a sélectionnée en lieu favori
- Des rapports permettent d’exporter les commandes par lieux associé au client même pour des livraisons
Gestion avancée des lieux de retraits
- Il est possible de restreindre un utilisateur à l’administration des retrait de lieux sélectionnés.
- Chaque lieu peut avoir un délai de réservation supplémentaire
Importez ou exportez facilement vos données
- La liste des lieux, disponibilités, créneaux horaires peut être importée en CSV
- L’export CSV peut être généré et téléchargé automatiquement par un autre système
- Créez ou importez des retraits pour des commandes Prestashop existantes ou des prestations externes
Magasin de Demo
Decouvrez ce que le module fait sur le front-officeAfficher
Essayer le back-office
Obtenez un accès back-office pour tester votre cas d’utilisation
v2-7-0 (janvier 15, 2022)
Added Reservation options and restrictions can be set foreach carrier
Added Restriction on cart product attributes on PRO version
Added Import with background geocoding of places
Corrected FA icons for places on PS 1.7.7
v2-6-2 (avril 15, 2020)
Added customer msg in mailalert for places.
Added Label for places with a s
Corrected Deliveery address at 0 on some case.
Corrected Discount on order confirmation for deliverers
v2-6-1 (avril 5, 2019)
Added Preparation Slots on PRO version
Corrected Place thumb delete on PS .17
Corrected TS Selection with mobile phone
Corrected Order step blocked to shipping with option to ignore TS selection
– Displaying only places list if at least on place dan’t deliver the product
Corrected pagination on collection display
Corrected week not starting on monday
v2-5-2 (avril 5, 2019)
Corrected Reservation not saved in some cases
Corrected Stuck on carrier page on ps 1.7.5
v2-5-1 (février 15, 2019)
Corrected open days config save with 1.7
Corrected Collection update with firefox
Corrected Status invalidation with reschedule
v2-5-0 (juin 15, 2018)
Added display collection details on invoice.
Added Collection reschedule for PRO on PS 1.7
Corrected Configuration save with PS 1.7.4
– Enhanced widget top to change collection time slot and date.
Added popup to switch place and save without customer account or cart
Corrected pagination on collection list
Corrected mandatory choice of favortie place on PS 1.7
Corrected display conflict with myOwnD
v2-4-0 (juin 5, 2017)
Added filter weeks with no availabilities.
Added Widget to show place switcher from address fields
Added Option to fill time slot from cart
Added Switcher place is saved as favorite when both options are enabled
v2-3-0 (juin 5, 2017)
Corrected filter collection by id, customer name or place name.
Corrected problem with multi-shipping
Corrected delay by product reset to 0 not saved
Corrected Adresses selection for home widget
– Enhanced display with timeslots overlap
Added define MYCOLLP_MAIL_ON_ORDER if false send email at order status change
Added From PS 1.7 delivery details are included in order conf email
Added Can set a product delay in hours
Added Store Switcher popup with multishop
v2-2-2 (décembre 15, 2016)
Added Reservation start after few hours
Corrected new timeslot has all days disabled at save
v2-2-1 (octobre 15, 2016)
Added Filter collections on admin users selected in places
v2-2-0 (août 15, 2016)
Corrected When no timeslots can’t use menu to create one
Added Google map key settings
– Update order date on reschedule
v2-1-1 (mars 5, 2016)
Added New visual interface to manage timeslots
Added Generating collection ref as tracking number
Added New feature to track package using qrcode
Added Collecction Place and time slot on delivery slip
Added On PRO version import places with addresses
Added Home widget search address bar
– Enhanced integrated help doc
v2-1-0 (novembre 25, 2015)
Improved Timeslots can overlap on disabled days
Corrected responsive
Corrected conflict with myOwnDelivery on admin order
v2-0-8 (novembre 25, 2015)
Improved Performance by not loading at construct
v2-0-7 (octobre 1, 2015)
Added defaut date on administration
Added compatibility with CMS hook
v2-0-6 (août 1, 2015)
Added Manual collection add
Added per product delay
Corrected update database on pro version
v2-0-5 (juin 10, 2015)
Corrected timeslot verification ignored in some cases
Corrected link on wiget column
Corrected config field length
Corrected export feature not working
Corrected email var tempalte total taxes
v2-0-4 (juillet 30, 2015)
Added Key indicator on Admin
Added possibility yo create a collection
Corrected Can’t read delivery option radio
Corrected checkout place selected verification
Corrected place not saved for new customer
v2-0-3 (juillet 10, 2015)
Compatibility with Prestashop 1.6
Improved design of backend
Added front-office place selector with great background map
Added syle option for poi icon and label
Improved Timeslots daily view
Corrected Gettting localisation distance unit
v1-7-0 (juin 20, 2014)
Optimised performances for huge amount of palces and timeslots.
Corrected restablished compatibilty with PS 1.4 for ajax load
v1-6-6 (avril 12, 2014)
Changed using front controller instead of ajax.php
v1-6-5 (mars 12, 2014)
Added New reservatiuon start type option on date
Corrected home widget not displaying
v1-6-4 (février 10, 2014)
Added Prefered place feature
Corrected Email not send on order status canceled or error
Added some Pl tanslations
Removed special char remove in addresses streets
v1-6-3 (octobre 24, 2013)
Corrected On planning when 5th week of december
Corrected Timeslot not deleted when choosing a day without time slots
v1-6-2 (octobre 24, 2013)
Added word days management
Corrected Place wasn’t selected whan clicking on it on map
Corrected Can’t show last day of december on month view
Corrected javascript error msg on home & delivery slip shortcut
v1-6-1 (avril 20, 2013)
Corrected Admin collection filter
Corrected Display distances in miles
Corrected reservations filter not taken into account for print
v1-6-0 (avril 5, 2013)
Added Multiple shop management for places
Added VCalendar attachement send to customer and place owner
Improved Integrated help
v1-5-2 (février 15, 2013)
Corrected timeslot and carreir selection after refresh
Corrected Jquery date selection restablished on PS1.5
Added Multiple status management to vaidate collection
Improved Admin view occupation color
v1-5-0 (décembre 5, 2012)
Corrected December month not displayed
Added Day end time in reservation pararmeters to add an extra day if passed
Added Place image management
Added Home page and column widget
Added Option for number of places displayed
Improved Availability management
Improved Performance
Improved Planning display and map on front end
v1-4-3 (octobre 1, 2012)
Corrected Next place page in ajax
Improved place holiday delete
Corrected cannot apply voucher without selectiong timeslot
v1-4-2 (septembre 2, 2012)
Corrected DB warnings
Corrected Post code search bug on display
Added keep selections on OPC
v1-4-1 (juillet 28, 2012)
Compatibility with Prestashop 1.5
Added Places filter on backend
Added Place name is kept on backend, a new field available for frontend name
Added Delivery address replaced by the place selected
Added Place notification message contains all order informations
Improved Place description field edited with tiny MCE
Improved Address step can be hide on OPC
v1-4-0 (mai 1, 2012)
Added Ajax loading on frontend
Added Registration key system
Added New reservation units and views per week and per month
v1-3-0 (décembre 10, 2011)
Improved Place list in front office with multiple place on map
Added Automatic update of hooks and database
Added Post code filter on places selection
Added Collection details displayed on order details in BO
Added Option to disable all or some transporter if collections are available
Added Place phone, web and new line in description
Added Label for collection place can be modified
Corrected Product category check rule
v1-2-0 (septembre 26, 2011)
Warning database upgrade you must uninstall module before update
Added Order delivery address updated
Added Place restrictions with groups, category or company field
Added Option to bypass address selection during checkout
Corrected Order of places
Improved Places can be located manually
Added Option to send an email to place on collection validation
Corrected More languages supported for tab install and dates
v1-1-0 (juillet 28, 2011)
Corrected ie Compatibility
Compatibility with Prestashop 1.4.3
Corrected option to work without timeslots
Corrected am/pm
Added timeslots hours on month view
v1-0 (février 13, 2011)
Initial version
Il n'y a pas d'avis pout l'instant.